Sunday, September 20, 2009

20 Week Update

Scoot left for training Thursday for 5 weeks. I'll admit, it was bitter sweet. I cried when she left but then once I began to think about all the things I can get done while she's gone, I felt some guilty excitement.
She is learning to be a duck retrieving machine.
Her first trip is late October with Brian to South Dakota - she's going to love it!
On the prego front, I'm just over 20 weeks. The biggest challenge these days is finding something to wear & the energy to exercise!! Otherwise, the baby is doing great and right on schedule, we couldn't ask for a better pregnancy.

Here are Brian & I as babies. It's hard to say what ours will look like but one thing is for sure, there will be no shortage of rolls...

Attn Moms - what are some of your fav baby things??


annie said...

Here are some of my favorite things in the past 4 months since Avalyn was born...
1. Moby Wrap-makes cooking dinner and holding a newborn very easy!
2. BabyLegs-great for just putting baby in a onesie and BabyLegs
3. Thirsties diaper covers and prefolds (if you are considering cloth diapers)
4. BoB jogging stroller with car seat attachment
Enjoy!! :)

Little's said...

You are SOOO cute preggers! I hope to see you in person before the baby comes! Things that made having newborns SOOO much easier.
1. Swing- a MUST in my opinion
2. Sling or wrap to leave both hands free while still cuddling baby.
3. blankets or actual swaddles. My kids were swaddled until about 6 months.
4. bouncy seat.
5. boppy pillow

Kelly Koster said...

Kate you look SO cute!!! Here are a few things I think are MUST HAVES...

1. Bobby changing pad liners, there is a 3 pack of them on amazon for $12.99. I could not live without them. They keep you from having to change the WHOLE changing pad cover all the time. I LOVE these, and despite what some reviewers said, you can tumble dry them on low.

2. Nursing tank tops from target (in the bra section) If you are nursing, these make the task SO much easier! The kind that have the snaps that open down work much better than kinds that have the flaps of fabric you have to try and wrangle.

3. The baby bjorn...get the real deal, knock off's hurt your back. It is SO easy to get on and off and to get baby into quickly and easily. I could not live without gives you your arms back when baby just has to be held all the time.

4. Read the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" it is an easy read and the tips REALLY really work, especially if your baby is fussy like Julia is. :) Note: read it BEFORE the baby gets here unlike me...when you still have time for things like reading.

5. We have a swing that both swings and vibrates...and we could not live without it!

6. Actual swaddle blankets with the velcro so you don't have to worry about baby wriggling out.

7. A hairdryer with a cool setting that you don't have to hold down the "cool" button. This noise is one of the only things that will settle Julia down sometimes, and if you can leave it on a cool setting you can just turn it on and leave it there. We were exhausted humming our own white noise all the time...the hairdryer is our new best friend. :)

Let me know if you need any help, registering and knowing what to get was so overwhelming for me.

nicknjanna said...

Kate you look so cute pregnant!! Glad you posted an update. :oD

As for things you must have, I second the Boppy pillow, the swing and the swaddles for sure. The velcro swaddles are great because Willa was kicking out of a regular blanket and then she would get mad because she wanted to be wrapped up. The velcro swaddles have avoided this problem!

The Boppy is great whether you're breastfeeding or not. Willa hates tummy time, so to get her to work on holding her head up we put her on her belly in the Boppy and she LOVES it. As long as she's not flat on her tummy, she's good to go! She also likes to sit in it and just look out the has so many uses.

If you're breastfeeding, get an electric breast pump. I thought I HAD to have a double electric, but it's impossible for me to pump both at the same time, so in my opinion, you really don't need a double.

Definitely a Baby Bjorn. We use ours all the time and we love it.

Check out the note I wrote on my Facebook page back in Feburary (in the Notes section)...I got a lot of great suggestions from people. Even though it's impossible not to, try not to get overwhelmed about what to get and what not to get. You actually need very little to keep a baby alive. Just boobs, a crib and lots of love. ;o) You will have a blast!

Amanda said...

Kate you are sooo cute! I read thru all the lists so far and they are all right on.

1.I like Kelly's suggestion of a hair dryer. I think it's pretty funny. It shows you'll do anything to make your baby happy. We used a fan in the same way. We have one in each of our boys rooms for the "white" noise. They've both had them since they were newborns.

2.I totally agree on the Bjorn. If you get one, get the real deal. I have a sling and a bjorn. I found that the sling worked best in the newborn stages and once they get a hold of their head, then I would move them to the bjorn. Having your hands free is a BIG plus. If price is a draw back, I found mine on ebay in like new condition for half the price.

3.On the book front, I read Baby Wise. You'll either love or hate this book. It saved me, but only because I made it work for us. It comes off as really tough, but that comes from people who dont read it. I didnt follow it to a "T", but got general ideas from it. I've also heard good things about "Happiest Baby on the Block", like Kelly mentioned.

4. Get a stroller/carseat combo. I got each of mine separately and later regretted that. They are so practical!

5. SWING! Get a portable one, because if your baby loves it, you'll take it everywhere.

Keep the belly pics coming! Love it!

Anonymous said...

You are so cute.
The lists people made are good. Also, don't feel like you need everything all at once. All babies are different. Buy things when you find the need.