Sunday, September 20, 2009

20 Week Update

Scoot left for training Thursday for 5 weeks. I'll admit, it was bitter sweet. I cried when she left but then once I began to think about all the things I can get done while she's gone, I felt some guilty excitement.
She is learning to be a duck retrieving machine.
Her first trip is late October with Brian to South Dakota - she's going to love it!
On the prego front, I'm just over 20 weeks. The biggest challenge these days is finding something to wear & the energy to exercise!! Otherwise, the baby is doing great and right on schedule, we couldn't ask for a better pregnancy.

Here are Brian & I as babies. It's hard to say what ours will look like but one thing is for sure, there will be no shortage of rolls...

Attn Moms - what are some of your fav baby things??