Sunday, April 19, 2009


Goal = Sign up for Races
If I register, I'm committed.
These races keep me running, otherwise, it's all too easy not to.
When I do these, my only focus is to run the whole thing.
I don't care what my time is, just as long as I don't walk!!
It boggles my mind people pay to run but it's always for a good cause.

"Run for Home" 5K
April 4, 2009

Navarino Trail Run, 15K
April 18, 2009
This one kicked my ass. I was not ready for 9.3 miles of sandy, hilly, trail running. It was a beautiful run, just wish I could have turned my head to enjoy it but I all I wanted was to be done!!

Upcoming races:
Sole Burner: 5/9/09
"Sam I Am" run for a cure: 5/23/09
Chicago 1/2 Marathon: 9/13/09

Thank you to my husband who's always waiting for me at the finish line - I love you!


Amy Jo said...

Keep up the good work Kate!! I wish I was as motivated as you.

Little's said...

You are A-mazing! Keep up the great work! What is going on with your house?

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that even fit runners don't always feel like working out all the time. 8)
Inspiring work!!